I absolutely LOVE this month. Few reasons why...
A - fall is in full swing, and therefore, I am very cozy in my cute sweaters and jeans. Plus, the humidity is gone so my hair begins to look fabulous all day :).
B - November strikes the beginning of celebration time with family and friends. I'm ready to be with the people who I love post Halloween craziness. No more slutty costume...time to bring out the crazy Christmas sweaters! By the way...my Halloween this year consisted of watching a movie with my parents and going to sleep at 11pm. Don't make fun.
C - Along with celebrations come GOOD FOOD! Mama's cookin is in full force for the next couple of months...and me likey.
D - This year, my family is going to Bald Head Island for Thanksgiving. My step brother, step sister-in-law, and two nephews are flying in from Denver to join. So exciting! Ethan and Kade are adorable...can't wait to see them. Bald Head Island is also my happy place. Just to make you jelly (jealous), take a look at this:

E - E is for Elizabeth...because November is the great month of my birth! Naturally, this will begin to not be a highlight of the year...but hey...since I'm turning 23, it is still exciting to celebrate! It's the year of the Jordan and I'm pumped (if you are confused...google Michael Jordan's bball number...)
This November is different. After three days...this November is going to go down in the books.
After months of trying and ultimately giving up on the idea of finding a job in journalism nowadays...(yay economy)...I got an offer as a Producer at WCTI in New Bern, NC. Naturally, I was shocked and thrilled, but I also got an immediate knot in my stomach. What do I do? I have a full-time job at a great company, I have a fabulous apartment with a lease and great roomie who I don't want to leave, and I have to pack up my stuff and move to an area I don't know much about. Of course, I called on good ole Moms and Pops for advice.
Basically, I needed to weigh the pros and cons. Pros to staying where I am: don't have to move, know the area, get to stay with roomie in great apartment, and get to stay in the area where I was born and raised. Cons to staying where I am: feeling like something is missing - like what I went to school for and worked my ass off for was for nothing and my pretty diploma from UNC-Chapel Hill is a wall decoration.
Now, the pros for taking the job: I get to finally work in the field that I want to be in. Foot is in the door and I'm ready to take off. Also, I'll be moving to a new town and get to start a new chapter and experience in life! Being 45 minutes away from the beach aint too shabby either. The cons for taking the job: moving away from my friends and family.
I also needed to get a feel for the historic town of New Bern, so I took a trip down with my mom and stepdad Halloween weekend. What I found was a beautiful old town full of culture, fabulous southern architecture, and water.

At the end of the day, the choice was pretty clear. As much as I love what my life is right now, I'm not 100% satisfied professionally. I want a career in broadcast journalism. That's what I went to school for; more importantly, I've wanted that before I was even in college! I know things are going to be difficult and potentially lonely at times, but I know I'll make friends quickly and learn the ropes in this beautiful town.
Also...I've already found a place to live! I am going to be renting an apartment on the second floor of a home in the historic downtown area. It was easily built in the early 1900's and has been restored and kept up very well. My bedroom even has a stain glass window in it! I am such a southern belle :-). My apartment has a large living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom (featuring a footed tub mind you.) The house also has a wrap around porch complete with swing and is ONE BLOCK from the waterfront. L.O.V.E.
But now comes the annoying and stressful tasks of finding a sub letter for my place...and moving. UGH! This better be worth it!
<3, E
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