I got all settled in my new place. My dad says that I am officially Mary Tyler Moore (her character on the show, that is). I live in the upstairs of an old house, I work at a TV station, I have brown hair...all I need is a beret to throw in the air with some funny music playing in the background.

Anyways...I'll work on finding a beret that fits my large head...will be quite a daunting task.
Here is my new house...built around 1906 in the historic downtown district.
After getting settled into the new bachelorette pad, I started at my new job. Producing requires a lot of organization and a lot of juggling about 5 jobs at once. If you don't know what it means to be a producer at a TV station...here's a little outline of my new workday: meet with reporters to get story ideas of the day, create a rundown (outline and order) of the show, write the stories in the show, create all of the graphics that you want the production crew to build, gather all of the tapes (we're old school here :D) - edit some tapes, record tapes from network, bring in video from bureaus, etc. - go back to the script and make sure everything is timed correctly (I time the show too), and then print scripts, get last minute stories in...and then go to the control room. Once the show starts, I have to make sure the show runs the way I planned for it to, make any last minute changes, make sure it is on time, and any other little tidbits that need to be put together. Phew...isn't that exhausting? Me likey :)
After learning the ropes for three days, Thanksgiving was here! Luckily, I got Thursday through Sunday off. I met up with my family at Bald Head Island. Every other year, my mom and stepdad get a house down there for the week. My stepbrother, his wife, and their two sons join us (they live in Denver). Also, for the past two times, his best friend, wife, and three kids joined us. My brothers each brought their ladies with them, so we had a full house! I was the 11th wheel - baha. I was everyone's photographer. As a favor, I tried to get really cute pictures of the kids. Here were my adorable subjects:
I also got out and got some great scenic shots of the island. It is absolutely beautiful.
I tried to soak in as much relaxation and vacation as possible. I have to work Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I also have to work the weekend before...when we normally celebrate Christmas with my dad and sister. It's worth it, though. This is definitely where I want to be. I love my apartment, I love my new job, and I need to get a Christmas tree to make my place perfect for the holidays. The crazy November is gone...and Santa's on his way.
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