Friday, October 16, 2009

Signs that you are getting old...

Holy has been TWO years since I've blogged. Since not many people know I even have a blog...this little statement doesn't really matter...but oh well.

I think it's best to restart this blog because I have a completely new life. I am out of college and in the workforce. I pay bills, work overtime, and have to schedule my OWN teeth cleanings - how crazy!

I am also starting to realize that my body, soul, personality, and mind feel a lot older than a few months ago when I was a "careless" college student. effort to understand the new me, I've decided to make a list of things that make me believe that I am slowly but surely headed to "Old Ladyville." Hope you enjoy as much as my roommate Cat and I enjoyed thinking them up at work one Friday afternoon. Oh - these are in no particular order.

  • Oh dear...10:30pm...must go to bed.

  • Man! My diploma is a great pretentious wall decoration!

  • My new BFF is a mini coffee maker.

  • Wait...your mortgage is only $200 more than my rent? FML.

  • "Sleeping-in" = 9am...yay!

  • Sweats: no longer appropriate public at least...

  • "He's just not that into you"...duh...I don't know where HE is

  • I REALLY have nothing to work.

  • I wonder if they have gel inserts for my 4-inch spike stilettos?

  • Seeing friends requires a lot of planning...and sometimes air fare...

  • Hey Destiny's Child...can YOU pay my bills?

  • Four drinks didn't USED to make me drunk...

  • I now understand and appreciate lumbar support.

  • The wedding bells are ringing in my ears and giving me a migraine! Why is everyone engaged/married/preggers?!

If you have any more that you would want to add to the list please let me know! As for now, my lowered-energy-capacity is rearing its ugly head...and I'm exhausted. Nap time?.....No. More coffee?......too lazy to walk over to the break room. Sit at desk and listen to my country station on think that's the winner.

Adios amigos. Must conserve energy for the bachelorette party I am throwing tonight. See - I TOLD YOU...I'm getting old.


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