First of all, I really need to work on my habits with money. I need to learn how to SAVE. My car is a great car but if something were to happen to it, I would not have the money to fix it. I need to buy less groceries too - I end up throwing a lot of food away because it goes bad. I need to fix my impulses with spending in general I think.
Secondly, the cliche' resolution: lose weight. I want to really tone my stomach...have that great tummy that does not move. I work out all the time but as people say, "Abs are made in the kitchen." Therefore, I need to cut out least at night. That means no eating if I am out and its like biski's haha.
Thirdly, I want a new look to hopefully go with my better bod (haha). I want to take out the highlights, and maybe go back to my natural color or darker. I sound just like a girly-girl, but I have had this color since 7th grade and I want a change. Here are some ideas...first - showing my color now:

That is my color now...very light brown. My natural color isn't that much different, so I might be putting in some low-lights. Here are some ideas for my new hair color:

I love Natalie Portman's look. I wasn't sure about the color at first because I am kind of pale...but when I thought of Natalie I realized that she looks HOT as a pale woman with darker hair. I also really like Anne Hathaway's look. I think her color is a little too dark, but with some highlights in her hair...I would really like it. I like her length too:

I hope that my new hair color will make the baby blues (eyes) POP. When I go to get my hair did tomorrow (yea I said hair did), I will hopefully leave as a newer and darker Elizabeth.
My last resolution as a new brunette that is real toned is to un-complicate (is that a word?) my love life. I am very Type-A...and so therefore I do not like gray areas. It's either black or white in my world; however, my love life has not been that way at all. So hopefully I can figure out exactly I want from a guy. I guess I don't know myself completely I hopefully can grow this year and learn just what Elizabeth wants. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this year will be FIERCE (I'm watching America's Next Top Model...). Love you all...HAPPY NEW YEAR!
My last resolution as a new brunette that is real toned is to un-complicate (is that a word?) my love life. I am very Type-A...and so therefore I do not like gray areas. It's either black or white in my world; however, my love life has not been that way at all. So hopefully I can figure out exactly I want from a guy. I guess I don't know myself completely I hopefully can grow this year and learn just what Elizabeth wants. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this year will be FIERCE (I'm watching America's Next Top Model...). Love you all...HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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