I am a Britney Spears fan. I am not going to hide it. Most people that are talking shit about her used to tie their shirts up in knots to show off their tummies too. I am not that hypocrite. I wish people would cut the poor girl some slack.
Nobody on this earth has had a flawless life. Everyone has had a moment or two in their lives that they wish they could erase. Whether it was a drunken night that you don't remember, or the time in high school when you yelled at your mom for no reason, something has happened to you that you probably could have prevented. Britney could have not married a douche-bag like K-Fed. Britney could have worn underwear that night she flashed the paparazzi. Britney could have kept her hair intact. But she didn't people...she did...oh my gosh...can it be...she made a MISTAKE.
This time in Britney's life reminds me of an actress that I love and admire because of her hard times in her life. Drew Barrymore was no perfect child. She was adorable in "E.T." She was not so adorable doing drugs in her early early EARLY teens. But Drew got back on the right track. Drew got clean and regained an amazing career. She's a fighter and without that dark time in her life she wouldn't be the person she is today. I am confident that Britney will come out of this dark time as a new and improved, grown up Britney.
So...in honor of my love and devotion (and the love and devotion of many of my friends), I have decided to write this blog and include some of my favorite pictures and videos. Enjoy!!!

...And now here are some of my favorite videos:
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