Tuesday, February 20, 2007

O Britney, How I Miss Thee

I am sure that if you live on the planet that you have heard about poor Britney "Shears." Most people think she's gone crazy. I, on the other hand, am in a state of mourning. This is not the Britney that I grew up idolizing. This is not the Britney that I watched over and over in her videos and learned the coreography of her dances. This is not the Britney that I took notes from on how to have a bangin' tummy. That Britney is either gone forever or lost. I am praying for the second.

I am a Britney Spears fan. I am not going to hide it. Most people that are talking shit about her used to tie their shirts up in knots to show off their tummies too. I am not that hypocrite. I wish people would cut the poor girl some slack.

Nobody on this earth has had a flawless life. Everyone has had a moment or two in their lives that they wish they could erase. Whether it was a drunken night that you don't remember, or the time in high school when you yelled at your mom for no reason, something has happened to you that you probably could have prevented. Britney could have not married a douche-bag like K-Fed. Britney could have worn underwear that night she flashed the paparazzi. Britney could have kept her hair intact. But she didn't people...she did...oh my gosh...can it be...she made a MISTAKE.

This time in Britney's life reminds me of an actress that I love and admire because of her hard times in her life. Drew Barrymore was no perfect child. She was adorable in "E.T." She was not so adorable doing drugs in her early early EARLY teens. But Drew got back on the right track. Drew got clean and regained an amazing career. She's a fighter and without that dark time in her life she wouldn't be the person she is today. I am confident that Britney will come out of this dark time as a new and improved, grown up Britney.

So...in honor of my love and devotion (and the love and devotion of many of my friends), I have decided to write this blog and include some of my favorite pictures and videos. Enjoy!!!



Need her trainer

Can't hate on the ass

Can't hate on that stomach

I like how this one is plain and modest...but with a hint of ass haha

This picture is def. airbrushed...but I don't care...I'd airbrush myself if I could

...And now here are some of my favorite videos:

Saturday, February 10, 2007

UNC v. Dook - Greatest College Rivalry?

This has been quite a week in my college sports life. First, we suffered a quite embarrasing loss to our cross town rival NC State, but we then redeemed ourselves by kicking our other rival's ASS in their own home court. Yes - I am talking about Duke.

Now when I talk about THE rivalry, Carolina and Dook, I am certainly not talking about football. It's all about basketball in both of these schools. If I started talking about football rivalries my boyfriend would be all in my face jabbering on and on about Ohio State and Michigan. See...my boyfriend is a hard-core Buckeye...poor dear. So I am not going to open that can of worms...I'm going to stay in-state.

Speaking of in-state...sure we hate NC State, but it's for different reasons. They make fun of us and say we are a bunch of liberal hippies - we say they're a bunch of rednecks. We claim we're smarter, they claim they can tailgate better than we can. We just have a sibling-type rivalry. Deep down we love NC State, we just don't like them. But we have to love them because they also HATE Duke.

Duke and Carolina are very close...maybe 10 minutes without traffic or stop lights. We have the same schedule and very similar grade requirements. The only thing that is different about us is the simple fact that Duke is a private school and Carolina is public. I mean - we have a much more attractive student body and we don't have to cheer to that weasel Koach K...but that's minute details.

It's that simple fact that we are similar academic programs that fuels the fire for this huge rivalry. We're trying to get the same glory. We're trying to be the biggest basketball program in the state, in the ACC, in the east coast, and in the NCAA. The Triangle is said to be one of the best places to live in the country, so who's gonna win in the fight for the best college basketball team in the best place to live? Well...we did a couple of days ago.

Newsteam Assemble!

Hahahahahaha...such easy marks.

ESPN among many others have quoted the Carolina v. Duke rivalry as the "best" in the nation. In terms of basketball, I think there is NO contest. UNC and Duke have the best college basketball rivalry. Many think of Kentucky v. Louisville, Indiana v. Purdue, Arizona v. UCLA...but nothing beats mine!

I think the greatest way to tell if your rivalry is the best one is to watch the television. If you have a commericial about your rivalry, then your rivalry is iron-clad. Observe the commericial featuring my baby's Buckeyes:

Now, observe some commercials/videos featuring my Tarheels:

Basically...the media doesn't lie. I guess Ohio State v. Michigan for football and UNC v. Duke for basketball. I'm so proud, and my boy is so proud of me.

Friday, February 2, 2007

I Thought I Was in College?

I go to the University of North Carolina. Yes. North Carolina. The South.

Why has it snowed twice in one month? That is NOT a North Carolinian thing to do.

Snow + North Carolina Roads = DISASTER. Therefore, when it does snow I do not want to make the commute to class. My apartment provides a shuttle/bus system, but I'm not so sure about the skills of the drivers in wintery conditions.

So...when I am trying to stay safe I am put in a horrible conflict: the dreaded ATTENDANCE POLICY.

But wait...attendance policy? I thought I was paying for this education?

My 8am class that I have on Tuesday/Thursday has a very strict "One Unexcused Absence" policy. That one absence that I am allowed to have is when I go to Nationals in April for dance team. So...basically I can never miss a class at 8am. I think that is pretty ridiculous.

Why is it that professors can put extreme absence policies on college students? We all don't live at home with our mommies and daddys and take the bus to school. Some of us work. Some of us are married. Some of us are parents. Some of us live 15 minutes away and can't walk to campus on snowy/icy days. We aren't being paid to go to school. We are paying to go to school. Sooooo - if I never wanted to go to class they shouldn't be able to do a damn thing. They are still getting their checks (and our tuition hikes I might add). Granted - the attendance policies make me go to class when my lazy ass doesn't want to get out of bed...but we should be more mature about our decisions.

We shouldn't need our professors to be our mommies and tell us to come to class. We are adults. We are supposed to be in "the real world." Therefore, we should be smart and mature enough to get our asses out of bed when we need to go to class and stay in when it's icy. Those decisions should not affect our grades. So if it snows again and I don't want to risk an accident...my grade shouldn't drop!

Yay for snow.