As evident in the title, I have not blogged in a long time. The last time I blogged was when that idiot from Duke decided to give Tyler Hansbrough a bloody nose at UNC. He didn't get an academic scholarship for sure. But anyways, I am far far from that angry girl. I have now moved on to an exhausted girl.
It's June 21st and I am in the full swing of summer. This does not mean days at the pool sipping on Corona (ahhhh that sounds so nice). This means WORK. During the year I STUDY and DANCE. During the summer I WORK. You don't believe me? Well...I have a job at Champps Americana at Southpoint as a server and I work about five shifts a week. But that is just the beginning. I am also an intern at WDCG (aka G105) and WNCN (aka NBC-17). My major is broadcast journalism and I am not sure if I want to get into TV or I decided to intern at BOTH. sounded like a good idea at the time - but I fear I have filled my summer plate. Oh wait did I forget to mention I also work at a club in Chapel Hill on the weekends? Well if you are keeping count I have two jobs and two internships. And just in case you forgot there are only seven days in a week. My week is purrrrrty full.
This week is also a little more complicated because I have taken on another duty - cat/house sitting. My good friend from growing up asked me to stay at her condo and take care of her cats in my down time. And of course I said SURE!!! I don't know when to stop.
I consider myself a work-a-holic and this summer is a great demonstration of that. I usually have a job or two over the summer...but not four. I hope I am not getting worse.
I know it sounds like I am in pure work-hell...but I am actually enjoying myself. I love my internships. G105 is soooooo much fun. I love all the people there. We have a blast - especially at Club 105, live from Hi-5 in downtown Raleigh. The pictures below are from one of those nights. NBC-17 is not as fun per-se, but I really like the people I work with and I am getting a lot of experience. Besides - we don't have shows at clubs like G105 so I can't really compare.
Me and Brody
my boss Brody
I don't really loveee my job at Champps because sometimes I have assholes that don't tip me, but I love the people I work with so that job is bearable. I also make pretty good money so I can't complain because I love money. I do have a new found image of shopping. When I want to buy something I think about the hours I spent on my feet and I re-think if I really need that thing that I want to buy. I've become very cheap.
My summer is very work-involved but I also have another HUGE factor that affects my stress levels. I am a victim of a long distance relationship. Ben has a job at the International Junior Golf Academy in Hilton Head Island, SC. I am sooooo proud of him and all of his accomplishments (he just got a villa - yay!), but the distance sucks. I love him so much and I don't see myself with anyone the distance is going to be a test of our love and commitment. Let's just say the next two years are going to be a challenge but one that I purposely put myself in. I saw him a couple of weeks ago and I am going in a couple of weeks. Here are a few pictures from my last trip.

I think the only thing that gets me through the weeks of working is the light at the end of the tunnel. That light is Ben. Just knowing that I am going to see him in a couple of weeks makes me forget about the lack of sleep and lack of down time. I know I get cranky and lonely and he'll get the effects of that stress, but he puts up with me. He has been in a long distance relationship before and he knows how it goes. I don't. I am very new to this whole game but I am really trying to not be a nag. I guess he thinks that if I didn't really care I wouldn't get upset. Being sad is a good thing??? I don't know maybe I'm trying to rationalize myself crying every now and then because I'm a state away. I must be a greedy bitch that wants Ben in Raleigh haha.
Well I guess I should be wrapping up the first blog I've written in a few months. I will probably write again when I'm done with all of this craziness and about to start my Junior year of college. THAT'S CRAZY!!!
Oh ps...the UNC Dance Team placed 3rd in the nation and I never blogged about it. WHOO HOO GO DANZ Team!