I was there. I was about 5 rows from the court (yay for Dance Team). My jaw still hurts from SCREAMING. Imagine 22,000 people screaming at the refs to "KICK HIM OUT, KICK HIM OUT." I don't know about Gerald, but I would have been slightly intimidated. If the foul was accidental, I would be nervous. I guess Gerald was not because he replied to questions, "I didn't mean to hit the kid."
Kid. Honestly Gerald? That is more than disrespectful. It's downright rude. He should have been given a quick P.R. lesson: no matter who you play, you need to be classy about the players. You did not have blood spilling out of your nose, so you shouldn't give any kind of lip.
But hey, I guess he learned from his coach. I mean after all, Koach K blamed ROY for his own player's bad choice. He basically said in a nutshell, "There was 17 seconds to go in the game, why was Tyler in?"
Oh I am sorry Mike...am I not mistaken that you regularly have Paulus and McRoberts in even when you are up by 20 points. Yea, I'm right.

My point is simple: Gerald intentionally fouled Tyler. He may haven't meant to break his nose, but he meant to invoke that much force. Gerald also was rude about the whole thing, and therefore deserves the suspension. I haven't heard Tyler say anything about Gerald on the record. UNC is classy I guess. Also, Coach K should not have made that comment about Roy. You can't mess with Roy and Tyler at UNC and get away with it. DUH. Look at this pic...AWESOME.

However, after talking this much smack I must say I feel sorry for Gerald. He is a freshman. That means for the next three years everytime he comes to the Dean Dome he will be greeted with 22,000 people that HATE him. Sure we boo like hell when Dookies come into the arena, but it will be all directed to HIM. Sure we hated JJ Redick with his horrible dramatics, but THAT WAS NOTHING COMPARED TO THIS. We will have pictures of Gerald Henderson under a bullseye. He will need a bodyguard.

Oh and P.S. Duke does play dirty. Look at this from last year...(notice the jersey number). I HATE DUKE.